Social Responsibility
A target is placed in the business plan to establish and certify TS/ISO 14001:2004 environment management system within the scope of social responsibility and quality management. Consultancy service was purchased for this target. The studies were made for efficiency and keeping the pollution under control with 14001 certificate in November, 2013 by Swiss TS Technical Services. Furthermore, the employees of Şener Automotive took the trainings which will provide help for themselves and their vicinity in case of possible dangerous situations in the scope of first aid, work health and safety.
Şener Automotive gives the waters from vibration to the mains by treating them with the principle of production respectful to the environment. Furthermore, we use the boron oil and machine oil in the disposal facilities by separating them. The compatibility of the contaminated waste metal with the environment conditions was tested and found to be compatible.
ISO 14001 Environment Management
The legal regulations, the environment consciousness of which is developed as European Union Harmonization Laws framework and KYOTO contract are signed affect the business approaches of the companies. With this regard, ISO 14001 environment management system is an efficient guide for more efficiently managing and improving the interactions of your establishment activities, products and services with the environment, ensuring the compatibility with the related legal regulations.
Showing your commitment to environment and sustainable development will positively affect the success of your company both in the short and long term.
OHSAS 18001 work health and safety,
It is a standard which contains the systematic and scientific studies made for protection from conditions which may harm health, caused by various reasons when the works are performed in our company. We are aware that when work health and safety is mentioned, all company and production safety should be thought in general terms, not just the employees.
The programs for integration with the legal regulations and laws are formed and started to be applied for determining the risks by making the analysis of the existing condition in our company and for eliminating these risks. A work health and safety management system where these studies which are conducted are monitored and audited are adapted to the integrated system.